
Sunday 5 September 2010


Di Amerika, gereja  Dove World Church di Gainesville, Florida, merancang Hari Membakar Quran Antarabangsa (International Burn A Quran Day) pada 11 September  (sempena peristiwa 9-11 di New York pada tahun 2001).  Rancangan ini telah mendapat liputan luas dari media antarabangsa. Berikut adalah petikan dari satu laporan:
The ironically named Dove World Church — whose pastor, Terry Jones, has written a book called “Islam Is Of The Devil,” which is also emblazoned on a sign outside the institution — is planning to host “International Burn A Quran Day” on September 11. But the radical church ran into a new roadblock yesterday as Gainesville city officials “denied a burn permit” for the church for the event, effectively telling them doing so would be illegal. The church, undeterred, sent out an e-mail to supporters promising to hold the burning event anyway:
Gainesville officials denied a burn permit for a church that plans to burn copies of the Quran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The Gainesville church, the Dove World Outreach Center, has a history of inflammatory comments and campaigns against Islam and remained defiant despite the burn permit denial.
In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, “City of Gainesville denies burn permit – BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS.”
Under the city’s fire protection ordinances, the open burning of books is not allowed. The city’s fire chief, Gene Prince, told a local news station that the “church will be fined if it holds the book burning.” Mayor Craig Lowe, who has in the past referred to the church as a “tiny fringe group and an embarrassment to our community,” told The Gainesville Sun that he supports the officials’ in denying the book burning. “Based upon the law and the ordinances that have been set forward by the city of Gainesville, I support and respect the decision,” he said.
[Sumber: Think Progress]. [Laman web Dove World Church di sini].
Rujuk juga blog Just Read dan The Flying Kick mengenai rancangan ini.
Walau pun ramai menentang rancangan ini, ramai juga menyokongnya:
As of this writing, nearly 500 people have clicked “like” on the event’s webpage, which also features Photoshop images premised on the nuking of Iran and Mecca. One of these shows Mecca’s Grand Mosque full of pilgrims, with the simple tag: “Nuke It.”
[Baca seterusnya di sini]
Petikan di atas merujuk kepada reaksi menyokong rancangan ini di dalam  laman Facebook Dove World Church. Jelas komen-komen yang disiarkan di dalam facebook ini menunjukkan bukan saja lebih dari 500 yang menekan butang "Like"  (menyokong), tetapi juga betapa bencinya mereka terhadap Islam. Ada juga komen-komen yang memaparkan gambar Kaabah yang dibakar (lihat gambar sebelah kanan) dan gambar Kaabah dengan banner "holy shit" dan najis terletak di atasnya (gambar sebelah kiri). Banyak lagi gambar-gambar yang dengan terang menghina Islam. Bacalah komen-komen di link laman facebook Dove World Church yang di beri. Sangat menyakitkan hati!

Denmark, seperti orang Islam sedia maklum, telah lama membakar Quran, malah menghinanya dengan teruk. Lihat sajalah gambar-gambar di bawah:

Inilah yang berlaku di Denmark. Kiri: Membakar Quran. Tengah: Memijak Quran. Kanan: Menembak Quran.

Di Iran pula, umat Islam beramai-ramai membaca Quran. Gambar-gambar di bawah menunjukkan umat Islam di Iran membaca Quran di bulan Ramadhan.

Ya, kita sedia maklum mereka penganut Syiah tetapi mereka juga membaca Quran seperti kita. Kalau lihat saja bilangannya, malu juga rasanya.

Kapada orang Islam PAS dan UMNO, apa reaksi mereka? Tidakkah mereka bersama mahu membantah rancangan gereja Dove World Church dan apa yang berlaku berterusan di Denmark? Memandangkan penghinaan ke atas umat Islam di Malaysia yang semakin tidak terkawal, senario manakah yang mahu kita pilih: Amerika, Denmark, atau Iran? Apa yang berlaku di Amerika dan Denmark akan berlaku di Malaysia jika kita umat Islam tidak bersatu.

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