6 things you didn't know were making you less productive
By James McAllister, Make It Cheaper, 3 May 2016.
By James McAllister, Make It Cheaper, 3 May 2016.
In business, being busy doesn't necessarily mean you’re being productive. A full to-do list is a good way to ensure you don’t forget the big stuff, but it can also overwhelm, meaning smaller jobs, such as organising your business energy are easily forgotten. But, how do you stop succumbing to the pressures of a lengthy to-do list? By making simple changes to your life, and the way that you work. Surprisingly, a number of small changes can have a huge overall impact on your productivity, without the need for drastic lifestyle changes.
In modern life we’ve picked up certain habits, such as checking social media countless times a day, or serving the whim of every notification that pops up on your desktop, mobile or web browser. Individually these may seem like only minor distractions, but when combined it seriously hampers your overall productivity.
To help you start working smart, we have put together the below infographic of things that you may not realise are killing your productivity. Are you guilty of any of these bad habits?

Infographic Sources:
1. How Being Busy Can Make You Less Productive
2. These Four Common Mistakes Are Making You Less Productive At Work
3. 5 Deceptive Habits that are Actually Making You Less Productive
4. Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain 2015
5. Facts About Stress
6. Do time management apps really make people more productive?
7. 13 Things That Are Stressing You Out And Making You Less Productive
8. Why working fewer hours would make us more productive
1. How Being Busy Can Make You Less Productive
2. These Four Common Mistakes Are Making You Less Productive At Work
3. 5 Deceptive Habits that are Actually Making You Less Productive
4. Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain 2015
5. Facts About Stress
6. Do time management apps really make people more productive?
7. 13 Things That Are Stressing You Out And Making You Less Productive
8. Why working fewer hours would make us more productive
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