
Tuesday, 13 October 2015


6 Insufferably Bad Work Habits and How to Treat Them (Infographic)
By Laura Entis,
Entrepreneur, 27 September 2015.

Every office has them, those men and women who just can't seem to get work done on time. There are various causes for their lack of productivity: some are chronic procrastinators, others get distracted by aggressive multitasking and a few don't ever get around to setting clear goals in the first place. But the end result is the same: lots of fake work, very little actual work.

Before you judge, take a good hard look at your own working habits. Who among us can claim to be an unfaltering beacon of productivity? The reality is that most of us swap "fake work" for real work at least some of the time, whether we realize it or not.

With that in mind Weekdone, a collaboration software company, has created an infographic that outlines the symptoms, prognosis and treatment for six common "fake work" conditions.

For anyone familiar with procrastination, responsibility-deflection, pointless busywork, unnecessary meetings, short attention spans or directionless days, this one is for you.

To find a cure for your condition, check out the infographic below.

Say NO to Fake Work (Infographic)

[Source: Entrepreneur.]

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